Hunter Deorum's artwork 'Resistance', 'Rebirth' and 'Revalations' investigates the junction of life and death, memory and forgetting. Whilst one hauntingly beautiful image displays a surreal landscape of tombstones decorated with vibrant foliage, representing the delicate balance between the finality of death and the fleeting beauty of life, the latter is an interplay of light and shadow. In particular, 'Revalations' adds depth and mystery, beckoning the observer to immerse oneself in its serene beauty. I used a variety of approaches to capture the various textures of the flora, ranging from fragile ferns to towering trees, producing a sense of movement and vitality in the composition.
Deorum uses mixed media to create a visceral experience for the viewer, prompting them to reflect on their own mortality and the legacy they will leave behind. The harsh, frigid tombstones against the rich foliage create a sense of paradoxical harmony, forcing the observer to confront the complexity of existence.
"As an artist, I am heavily influenced by the natural world and the interaction of light and colour. 'Revelations' represents the climax of my research into nature's ethereal splendour. Through this piece, I hope to take the audience to a tranquil and enchanting world where the vivid colours and complex features of the forest come to life."
-Hunter Deorum
Arkadia Knight
Arkadia Knight
Arkadia Knight
Arkadia Knight
Arkadia Knight
Arkadia Knight
Hunter Deorum developed Arkadia Knight, a compelling animated character. Arkadia, as an animated character, exemplifies the unique potential to engage the human gaze in ways that go beyond traditional artistic mediums. The psychology of animation investigates how the movements, expressions, and interactions of animated characters grab and hold the viewer's attention.
Deorum's Arkadia expertly harnesses the power of animation to elicit emotional responses and capture human attention. Arkadia's design and attitude are meticulously developed to connect with the audience on a deep psychological level, making her an enchanting and engaging figure in the world of animated characters. Though this adventure began more than ten years ago appearing on pen and paper, she now possesses her own ontology. 
The embedded videos offer glimpses into the immersive exhibition "Introspection," where audiences are invited to forge meaningful connections with characters whose struggles and triumphs reflect their own. These audio-based pieces have been carefully curated with the literary research of such things as redacted poetry and the psychology of language. 
"So join her and listen to the echoing footsteps bellowing through the corridor in ‘Resistance’. Feel the way in which soft whispers carrying promises of freedom and redemption envelop you. Immerse yourself in the symphony of sounds, each note a testament of Arkadia's unwavering determination."
-Hunter Deorum
"Language is a tool of expression, interpretation, and navigation of the human experience. It is both reflective of our innermost thoughts and emotions, a lens through which we interact with the world around us.
Drawing inspiration from the work of fine artists who use language in their work, I am reminded of the impact it can have on perceptions and interactions. For example, Jenny Holzer, for her use of text in public spaces, and Barbara Kruger, known for her bold, confrontational statements overlaid on images. Through their thought-provoking installations and artworks, they challenge viewers to confront societal norms, question authority, and examine their own beliefs and biases.
This is similar to what Arkadia experiences in 'Rebirth', questioning her own existence. Feel the mixture and anguish and relief in ‘Rebirth’. The shards of broken glass a reflection of a woman who had weathered storms and survived battles. Witness the transformation of a shattered soul, rising from the ashes, stronger. More resolute."
-Hunter Deorum 
"Drawing on psychological research such as parasocial interaction theory, which posits that audiences form meaningful connections with mediated characters, and narrative transportation theory, which suggests that immersion in a story can lead to altered perceptions and beliefs, I sought to evoke a sense of peaceful relief with this piece.
Step out into the snow and greet a brighter dawn in ‘Revelation’. Imagine yourself sat beside Arkadia as she ponders her own existence, guided by the warm cackling fire. Endure her quest of self-discovery, healing and redemption for yourself. Where the echoes of the past fade away, and a new chapter begins with the promise of a brighter tomorrow."
-Hunter Deorum 
Continue to unravel Arkadia’s story in a fully immersive environment. Saturated with narrative, pictorial and digital elements, this project serves as the culmination of research into the psychology of the aesthetic experience, with academic endeavors providing the foundation for the conceptualization of this experience.
So, enjoy and follow the development process online with the QR code above.

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