"My artwork 'Tranquilly Ascends' aims to depict nature's tranquil beauty and create a sense of serenity and harmony for viewers. Using delicate, muted colour palettes and smooth brushstrokes, I hope to take the audience to a serene and pastoral setting where they can find refuge and inner peace.
I believe that in today's fast-paced and volatile world, finding moments of calm and quiet is more vital than ever. 'Tranquilly Ascends' is my attempt to provide a subtle reminder to halt, breathe, and appreciate the basic, understated beauty around us."
- Hunter Deorum
"In my illustration, I am continually drawn to the interplay of light and darkness, both physically and spiritually. 'Contrast' explores this curiosity, portraying the tension and balance of these conflicting forces. Through the contrast of sharp shadows and bright light, I hope to generate a sense of depth and complexity, allowing the viewer to consider the coexistence of paradoxes in our world. My artwork seeks to showcase the beauty that comes from this desaturated contradiction."
- Hunter Deorum 
Front Cover
Front Cover
The Past
The Past
Arkadia Knight is not just a character, she embodies a journey of self discovery and transformation within a comic book themed series that delves deep into the intricacies of the human psyche. Through her adventures, Arkadia navigates the aftermath of the introspection exhibition where she encounters a diverse cast of characters who become catalysts for her personal growth and development. 
At the core of this series lies an exploration of color psychology each hue shade and tone employed within the artwork serves as a powerful tool for conveying emotional symbolism and narrative depth. from the vibrant hues of hope and resilience to the somber tones of introspection and conflict, the palette of Arkadia Knights world reflects the complex interplay of human emotions and experiences. 
Moreover, Arkadias interactions with other characters within the series serve to highlight the transformative power of human connection through her encounters. With allies and adversaries, alike she discovers new facets of herself and learns valuable lessons about empathy, resilience and the importance of embracing ones inner strength. As the series unfolds, Arkadias journey becomes a reflection of the readers own introspection and self discovery.  

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